Secre­tive left-wing bil­lion­aires club pro­mot­ed ‘tox­ic par­ti­san­ship,’ found­ing mem­ber says

Secretive left-wing billionaires club promoted ‘toxic partisanship,’ founding member says

A found­ing mem­ber of a pow­er­ful net­work of wealthy Demo­c­ra­t­ic donors that has includ­ed George Soros and envi­ron­men­tal activist Tom Stey­er is sound­ing the alarm over how the group con­tributed to “the decline of democ­ra­cy” and “mount­ing grid­lock and tox­ic par­ti­san­ship.”
The Democ­ra­cy Alliance has long kept its oper­a­tions large­ly secret as it works to prop up left-wing poli­cies and spends mil­lions of dol­lars boost­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers. But at least one for­mer mem­ber doesn’t appear to be proud of her time at the Democ­ra­cy Alliance, accord­ing to a Mon­day opin­ion arti­cle she wrote in the Chron­i­cle of Phil­an­thropy.
“Twen­ty years ago, in the mid-2000s, I was a par­ti­san war­rior, and my phil­an­thropy was entire­ly ded­i­cat­ed to pur­su­ing my ide­o­log­i­cal beliefs,” Ra …