‘Every State Is Now A Bor­der State’: Trump Vis­its Michi­gan To Address Ille­gal Immigrant’s Alleged Mur­der Of 25-Year-Old Woman

‘Every State Is Now A Border State’: Trump Visits Michigan To Address Illegal Immigrant’s Alleged Murder Of 25-Year-Old Woman

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump trav­eled to Grand Rapids, Michi­gan, on Tues­day where he joined law enforce­ment offi­cers and Repub­li­can law­mak­ers for an event and addressed the mur­der of 25-year-old Ruby Gar­cia, who was alleged­ly killed by a once-deport­ed ille­gal immi­grant last month.
Dur­ing his remarks on “Biden’s bor­der blood­bath,” Trump dis­cussed how the sus­pect, Bran­don Ortiz-Vite, also 25, was deport­ed under his admin­is­tra­tion before return­ing and again enter­ing the U.S. ille­gal­ly. Garcia’s body was found with mul­ti­ple gun­shot wounds on the side of a high­way in late March before Ortiz-Vite was arrest­ed and charged just a few days lat­er. The ille­gal immi­grant sus­pect was also charged with car­jack­ing, ille­gal­ly car­ry­ing a con­cealed weapon, oper …