MRC’s Houck Joins News­max to Slam New Anti-Trump Out­burst From RFK Jr.’s Sis­ter

In a trun­cat­ed seg­ment on Monday’s Eric Bolling The Bal­ance (due to the pre­vi­ous seg­ment with GOP House Speak­er Mike John­son), News­Busters Man­ag­ing Edi­tor Cur­tis Houck said the melt­downs from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s sis­ter Rory Kennedy and oth­ers over his inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial cam­paign are proof the press have decid­ed they can only fear-mon­ger vot­ers into cast­ing bal­lots for Biden not in sup­port of him, but against Kennedy and Don­ald Trump.
Speak­ing to the afore­men­tioned News­max host, Houck high­lig …