‘Squad’ Democrat’s deci­sion to freeze out Biden puts her in hot water with super PAC

‘Squad’ Democrat’s decision to freeze out Biden puts her in hot water with super PAC

“Squad” mem­ber and first-term Rep. Sum­mer Lee (D‑PA) has become the tar­get of Mod­er­ate PAC for her track record of not work­ing with the pres­i­dent.
Mod­er­ate PAC, which was cre­at­ed to pro­tect and put cen­trists in office, is launch­ing a $150,000 ad this week in the Pitts­burgh media mar­ket. Though the PAC pur­ports to pro­tect cen­trist law­mak­ers, Ty Strong, the PAC’s pres­i­dent, sound­ed the alarm that a Repub­li­can could win Lee’s seat in Novem­ber. 
“Biden and Democ­rats need to win Penn­syl­va­nia to pre­vent Don­ald Trump from becom­ing pres­i­dent,” Strong told Axios. “Sum­mer Lee is part of the far-left ‘uncom­mit­ted’ move­ment, a move …