Ben­ny Gantz calls for ear­ly Israeli elec­tions

Benny Gantz calls for early Israeli elections

Israeli Min­is­ter Ben­ny Gantz called for the coun­try to hold elec­tions in Sep­tem­ber dur­ing a press con­fer­ence on Wednes­day evening.
This is the first time Gantz has called for new elec­tions since join­ing the war cab­i­net fol­low­ing the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 that prompt­ed the Israel-Hamas war. Mov­ing elec­tions up to Sep­tem­ber this year would bring a vote for­ward by two years.
“We must agree on a date for elec­tions in Sep­tem­ber, towards a year to the war if you will,” Gantz said in a brief­ing. “Set­ting such a date will allow us to con­tin­ue the mil­i­tary effort while sig­nal­ing to the cit­i­zens of Israel that we will soon renew their trust in us.”
Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu has spo­ken out against the prospect of elec­tions while the war …