Ama­zon is remov­ing Just Walk Out tech­nol­o­gy from its Fresh gro­cery stores in the US

Amazon is removing Just Walk Out technology from its Fresh grocery stores in the US

Ama­zon is remov­ing Just Walk Out tech­nol­o­gy from its Ama­zon Fresh stores as part of an effort to revamp the gro­cery chain.
The company’s well-known tech­nol­o­gy lets cus­tomers pay for items with­out stand­ing in line and sends them receipts after­wards. Ama­zon says it will now be replaced by smart carts that allow cus­tomers to skip the check­out line but also see their spend­ing in real-time.
While redesign­ing Fresh stores in the past year, Ama­zon spokesper­son Car­ly Gold­en said the com­pa­ny heard from cus­tomers who enjoy skip­ping the check­out line but also want­ed to view their receipts and sav­ings as they shopped. Gold­en said the smart carts will give cus­tomers these ben­e­fits as well as the con­ve­nience of skip­ping the check­out line.
Amazon’s deci­sion was first report­ed by The Infor­ma­tion.
Seat­tle-based Ama­zon oper­ates dozens of Fresh gro­cery stores, most of which are in Cal­i­for­nia, Illi­nois, Vir­ginia, and Wash­ing­ton state. The com­pa­ny also oper­ates cashier-free con­ve­nience stores under the Ama­zon Go brand and owns Whole Foods, which it pur­chased in 2017 for $13.7 bil­lion.
Despite pre­dic­tions Amazon’s entry into the groce …