Jill Biden announces White House state din­ner for nation’s top teach­ers

Jill Biden announces White House state dinner for nation’s top teachers

First lady Jill Biden announced the White House would host a state din­ner for the top teach­ers in the coun­try, which she described as the first state din­ner of its kind.
Biden made the announce­ment in a tele­vised inter­view on Wednes­day, dur­ing which she con­grat­u­lat­ed Mis­sy Tester­man for being named the nation­al teacher of the year for 2024. The din­ner will be part of the events planned to hon­or edu­ca­tors on May 1.
“When you come to the White House, we are going to have a state din­ner for the teach­ers,” Biden said on CBS Morn­ings. “So you’ll have to pick your dress. So it’s the first time ever.”

The White House has tra­di­tion­al­ly host­ed a recep­tion to hon­or the top teach­ers, which the first lady described as one of her favorite events.
Biden was also asked about the cam­paign work she has done for her hus­band, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, specif­i­cal­ly about polling data indi­cat­ing her hus­band is behind in sev­er­al key bat­tle­ground states. The first lady insist­ed her hus­band would win in a rematch between him and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, the nom­i­nee for the Repu …