Democ­rats eye upset in red Flori­da after court puts abor­tion on the bal­lot

Democrats eye upset in red Florida after court puts abortion on the ballot

A court rul­ing out of Flori­da is giv­ing Democ­rats fresh hope they can win the state after a mea­sure to guar­an­tee abor­tion access was added to the Novem­ber bal­lot.
But the path to an upset, both at the top of the tick­et and down bal­lot, will be dif­fi­cult due to struc­tur­al advan­tages Repub­li­cans have in the increas­ing­ly red state.
The court rul­ing, issued by the Flori­da Supreme Court, approved a vote on an abor­tion rights amend­ment that mir­rors Roe v. Wade in its cut­off at fetal via­bil­i­ty. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, the judges cleared the way for a six-week abor­tion ban signed by Gov. Ron DeSan­tis (R‑FL) to go into effect on May 1.
The deci­sions put abor­tion back in the spot­light, inject­ing new life into Demo­c­ra­t­ic cam­paigns ah …