HOPE AND CHANGE: ABC Banks On Abor­tion To Flip Flori­da For Biden, Dems

Florida’s Supreme Court rul­ings enabling both the heart­beat bill and the bal­lot ques­tion which would enshrine the right to abor­tion in the state con­sti­tu­tion has trig­gered a wave of media wish­cast­ing, cen­tered around the hope that abor­tion will lift Pres­i­dent Joe Biden to vic­to­ry in Novem­ber, retak­ing the state for the Democ­rats. ABC News, as usu­al, has dis­tin­guished itself among the cor­po­rate wish­cast­ers.
Here’s how tonight’s cam­paign roundup opened, with hope of the state being “put in play” f …