Disney’s Bob Iger wins bat­tle for con­trol and rebuffs shake-up attempts

Disney’s Bob Iger wins battle for control and rebuffs shake-up attempts

Dis­ney CEO Bob Iger fend­ed off an attempt to shake up the cor­po­rate lead­er­ship on Wednes­day when the share­hold­ers vot­ed for the company’s pre­ferred slate of board nom­i­nees.
The effort to change the board was led by bil­lion­aire Nel­son Peltz who lost his bid for a seat on the board. Peltz argued for a plan of suc­ces­sion in lead­er­ship, bet­ter stream­ing tar­gets to be more “Net­flix-like,” and called many of Disney’s goals “amor­phous and the exe­cu­tion poor.”
Iger had returned to the com­pa­ny in late 2022 while the com­pa­ny went through numer­ous …