‘Licensed For Any Kind Of Atroc­i­ty’: RFK Jr. Blasts Biden For Cen­sor­ship, Calls Him ‘Anti-Amer­i­can’

‘Licensed For Any Kind Of Atrocity’: RFK Jr. Blasts Biden For Censorship, Calls Him ‘Anti-American’

Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ripped Pres­i­dent Biden for his effort to cen­sor his oppo­si­tion, call­ing it “anti-Amer­i­can.”
Appear­ing on Fox & Friends, Kennedy was asked about his pre­vi­ous com­ment that Biden was a “much worse threat to democ­ra­cy” than for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
“By the way, I said I could make that argu­ment, and I think it is an argu­ment that we ought to be hav­ing,” Kennedy began. “Pres­i­dent Biden has done some­thing that no oth­er pres­i­dent in his­to­ry has done, which is to order media, par­tic­u­lar …