Cal­i­for­nia fast-food wage hike wor­ries schools com­pet­ing for work­ers

California fast-food wage hike worries schools competing for workers

California‘s increased min­i­mum wage for fast-food work­ers at com­pa­nies with more than 60 loca­tions is caus­ing var­i­ous down­stream con­cerns, one of which is labor com­pe­ti­tion with schools.
The new $20 min­i­mum wage for fast-food work­ers went into effect on Mon­day and rais­es the floor for wages up $4 per hour from the reg­u­lar $16 min­i­mum wage for oth­er indus­tries in the state. The Asso­ci­at­ed Press report­ed that the boost in wages for fast-food work­ers is anoth­er prob­lem for school dis­tricts, which are hav­ing a dif­fi­cult time hir­ing cafe­te­ria work­ers.
The Sacra­men­to City Uni­fied School Dis­trict has made sev­er­al pay increas­es in antic­i­pa­tion of the law, bring­ing pay for food ser­vice work­ers in line with the $20 per hour that fast-food work­ers get begin­ning on July 1.
“We are look­ing not only at com­pet­ing with dis­tricts and com­par­ing with dis­tricts …