DOJ Requests Prison Time For Woman Who Stole Ash­ley Biden’s Diary

DOJ Requests Prison Time For Woman Who Stole Ashley Biden’s Diary

The Depart­ment of Jus­tice has request­ed prison time for the woman who found first daugh­ter Ash­ley Biden’s diary in a Flori­da home sev­er­al years ago.
Aimee Har­ris, 42, plead­ed guilty in August 2022 to sell­ing that diary to Project Ver­i­tas for $40,000 ahead of the 2020 elec­tion. Ver­i­tas didn’t pub­lish the diary and instead turned it over to author­i­ties.
Har­ris’ sen­tenc­ing has been delayed for years, and now the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the South­ern Dis­trict of New York is ask­ing for four to 10 months in prison, the New York Post report­ed. The DOJ had pre­vi­ous­ly request­ed six months of home con­fine­ment fol­lowed by th …