GOP reg­is­tra­tion advan­tage over Democ­rats in Flori­da close to 1 mil­lion

GOP registration advantage over Democrats in Florida close to 1 million

Despite Flori­da Democ­rats’ hopes to win over vot­ers on abor­tion, the state’s reg­is­tered Repub­li­can vot­ers now out­pace Democ­rats by near­ly 900,000.
“Pri­or to 2021, FL nev­er had more reg­is­tered Repub­li­cans than Democ­rats,” Gov. Ron DeSan­tis (R‑FL) said on Twit­ter. “Now, a mil­lion vot­er R reg­is­tra­tion advan­tage is with­in reach. Hills­bor­ough (Tam­pa) is about to flip from D to R, which will mean every coun­ty in the Tam­pa Bay mar­ket has an R advan­tage in this pre­vi­ous­ly “swing” region of the state.”
For the first time in his­to­ry, Repub­li­can vot­er reg­is­tra­tion in Flori­da sur­passed Democ­rats in 2021. Near­ly 444,500 peo­ple moved to the Sun­shine State from July 2021 to July 2022, mark­ing it as the largest year-over-year impact of res­i­dents mov­ing.
By March 2022, Repub­li­cans out­paced Democ­rats by more than 100,000, with the num­ber dou­bling by that July, and reach­ing 350,000 by Decem­ber of that year. By Octo­ber 2023, Repub­li­cans’ advan­tage grew to 680,030. Accord­ing to the Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee, reg­is­tra­tion in 2023 near­ly dou­bled for Repub­li­cans. As of Thurs­day, reg­is­tered Repub­li­cans lead Democr …