Gun-buy­ing binge expect­ed as elec­tion heats up

Gun-buying binge expected as election heats up

Gun sales last month con­tin­ued on their record-break­ing 56th straight month of over 1 mil­lion, and indus­try exec­u­tives expect the heat­ed elec­tion and Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s threat to ban AR-15-style firearms to keep that ral­ly hot.
In March, sales came in at 1,442,061, said the Nation­al Shoot­ing Sports Foun­da­tion, the firearms trade group that uses FBI back­ground checks to deter­mine the num­bers.
While those sales were low­er than a year ago, the over­all num­ber remained strong, said NSSF spokesman Mark Oli­va, who explained that Biden’s threats to gun own­ers are a con­tribut­ing fac­tor.
“Over 1.4 mil­lion Amer­i­cans law­ful­ly pur­chased a firearm at retail in March, a trend of over 1 mil­lion back­ground checks for firearm sales that’s con­tin­ued for near­ly five years. Recent polls showed Pres­i­dent Biden scored low marks for his poli­cies attack­ing the rights of Amer­i­cans, yet do noth­ing to hold crim­i­nals account­able for their c …