WITH ALLIES LIKE THESE: For­mer DNC Chair Brazile Com­plains ‘When (Biden) Speaks, Nobody Lis­tens’

“Be care­ful what you wish for”, the old fable warns, lest it may come true. But with all respect due to Aesop, some excep­tions apply. Espe­cial­ly when the wish in ques­tion is that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s state­ments be accord­ed more media cov­er­age, as opposed to the media’s pref­er­ence of much less.
Watch as for­mer DNC Chair Don­na Brazile, in a sin­gu­lar demon­stra­tion of elite lack of self-aware­ness, chas­tis­es the media for not suf­fi­cient­ly cov­eri …