Chris Coons dis­miss­es pro­test­ers’ influ­ence on Biden’s Israel stance

Chris Coons dismisses protesters’ influence on Biden’s Israel stance

Sen. Chris Coons (D‑DE) reject­ed the idea of any influ­ence that pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers have had on Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s stance when it comes to Israel.
Coons appeared on Fox News Sun­day as Biden’s cam­paign co-chair to address the president’s appar­ent change of tone con­cern­ing Israel. While at first, Biden steered clear from any lan­guage around a cease­fire between Israel and the ter­ror­ist group Hamas, he has since begun call­ing for a cease­fire to take place as soon as all of the hostages Hamas has in cus­tody are released. Host Martha Mac­Cal­lum asked Coons if the pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers who have threat­ened to not vote for Biden over the mat­ter have won.
“No. Let me remind you what just hap­pened. Two weeks ago, Pres­i­dent Biden signed into law our annu­al appro­pri­a­tions bill that includes $3.8 bil­lion in sup …