Chris Van Hollen ‘not clear’ on Biden administration’s Israel stance

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D‑MD) isn’t clear on Biden’s stance on Israel in the wake of the Israel Defense Forces attack on World Cen­tral Kitchen’s aid trucks in Gaza. 
Ear­li­er this year, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion announced they would con­di­tion U.S. mil­i­tary aid to Israel with human rights, a move to hope­ful­ly boost sup­port from cen­ter-left Sen­ate Democ­rats. Still, in the wake of the attack on aid work­ers, Van Hollen said he “is not clear” on how the con­di­tions are being enforced.
Dur­ing an inter­view on NBC News’s Face the Nation, when asked if he under­stood the Biden administration’s pol­i­cy on the issue, Van Hollen said, “I am not clear.” 
“I was glad to see the pres­i­dent, at least as report­ed out, final­ly say to Pres­i­dent Netanyahu that ‘if you don’t fol­low these, you know my requests, there will be con­se­quences,’” Van Hollen said. 
Van Hollen has been one of the most out­spo­ken sen­a­tor …