Brent Bozell Explains the Media War on Trump on Fox’s ‘Life, Lib­er­ty & Levin’

<div>Brent Bozell Explains the Media War on Trump on Fox's 'Life, Liberty & Levin'</div>

On Sun­day’s episode of Life, Lib­er­ty, & Levin on the Fox News Chan­nel, Media Research Cen­ter founder and pres­i­dent L. Brent Bozell explained to Mark Levin how the media are relent­less­ly neg­a­tive in their cov­er­age of Don­ald Trump, and focus large­ly on his legal trou­bles and avoid cov­er­ing how Pres­i­dent Biden is fail­ing on the issues from infla­tion to immi­gra­tion to crime. 
Levin asked Bozell: “What do you make of the medi­a’s cov­er­age of Biden’s war on Don­ald Trump …