Bour­geoisie Biden vs. Trump and the pro­le­tari­at

Bourgeoisie Biden vs. Trump and the proletariat

As he cam­paigns for a sec­ond term, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is work­ing as hard as he can to shed his “Scran­ton Joe” per­sona and embrace the elite class­es that bankroll his can­di­da­cy by adopt­ing poli­cies that pun­ish the work­ing class.
On Mon­day, Biden announced that his admin­is­tra­tion is imple­ment­ing yet anoth­er plan to can­cel fed­er­al­ly held stu­dent loans for mil­lions of bor­row­ers. The new plan is far-reach­ing and can­cels inter­est accru­al for some bor­row­ers while com­plete­ly can­cel­ing the debt of bor­row­ers who are eli­gi­ble for loan for­give­ness pro­grams but have not enrolled in them.
The effort is Biden’s lat­est attempt to buy votes from the upper-mid­dle-class demo­graph­ic that took out stu­dent loans as he des­per­ate­ly tries to cling to the pres­i­den­cy for anoth­er term. It’s a dis­grace­ful elec­tion-year pan­der that bla­tant­ly trans­fers wealth from the low­er eco­nom­ic class­es to the col­lege-edu­cat­ed class. But it also high­lights …