Woman who stole Ash­ley Biden’s diary sen­tenced to one month in prison

Woman who stole Ashley Biden’s diary sentenced to one month in prison

A judge on Tues­day sen­tenced Aimee Har­ris to one month in prison and three months of home deten­tion for steal­ing Ash­ley Biden’s diary and oth­er items and sell­ing them to a right-lean­ing group ahead of the 2020 elec­tion.
Judge Lau­ra Swain denounced Harris’s con­duct as seri­ous dur­ing a hear­ing in New York and crit­i­cized her for delay­ing her sen­tenc­ing hear­ing a dozen times. The judge said, though, that the Depart­ment of Justice’s request that Har­ris receive four to 10 months in prison was unnec­es­sary, accord­ing to Inner City Press.
Har­ris had asked only for pro­ba­tion, and her defense attor­ney said in court that the defen­dant had been pun­ished enough by neg­a­tive press atten­tion and had been work­ing to over­come a slate of leg …