Sec Yellen Econ-Splains To Aver­age Amer­i­cans: Your Finances Are Fine, Every­thing Is Fine

Sec Yellen Econ-Splains To Average Americans: Your Finances Are Fine, Everything Is Fine

Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Janet Yellen told Amer­i­cans on Tues­day that their house­hold finances were “quite strong” despite numer­ous polls indi­cat­ing that’s not at all what aver­age fam­i­lies are see­ing from their kitchen tables.
Yellen made the asser­tion dur­ing an inter­view that aired on CNBC, where she con­cede that some low­er-income fam­i­lies might be close to “exhaust­ing” any buffers they may have had with regard to sav­ings — but insist­ed that oth­er­wise, house­hold finances and the econ­o­my as …