News­Busters Pod­cast: Poli­ti­Fact Is NOT ‘Obsessed with Fair­ness’

<div>NewsBusters Podcast: PolitiFact Is NOT 'Obsessed with Fairness'</div>

When Poli­ti­Fact won the Pulitzer Prize (for nation­al report­ing) in 2008, the com­mit­tee tout­ed how they used “prob­ing reporters and the pow­er of the World Wide Web to exam­ine more than 750 polit­i­cal claims, sep­a­rat­ing rhetoric from truth to enlight­en vot­ers.” It’s not that sim­ple. It’s not always so cut and dried to locate “truth.”
While USA Today fact-check­ing boss Eric Litke says fact-check­ers should be “obsessed with fair­ness,” our lat­est News­Busters study of Poli­ti­Fact demon­strates a sig­nif­i­cant par­ti­san aggres­sion against Repub­li­can politi­cians. Named politi­cians in the GOP were tagged as “Most­ly False” or worse in almost 75 per­cent of fact checks, while the Democ­rats land­ed on that False side only 26 per­cent of the time. Blogs tag­ging the Repub­li­cans as false (47) were almost five times as com­mon as blogs tag­ging the Democ­rats as false (ten).
Poli­tiF …