‘Sim­ple sta­tis­tics’ that Biden won’t com­plete a sec­ond term: McCarthy

‘Simple statistics’ that Biden won’t complete a second term: McCarthy

For­mer House Speak­er Kevin McCarthy last night raised the specter of 81-year-old Pres­i­dent Joe Biden end­ing a sec­ond term pre­ma­ture­ly, some­thing he doesn’t fear about 77-year-old for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Cit­ing “high­er prob­a­bil­i­ty and sim­ple sta­tis­tics,” the Trump sup­port­er said that “if Joe Biden is elect­ed, that he can’t car­ry out his entire pres­i­den­cy.”
Biden has been dogged by repeat­ed falls and appears con­fused at times and mul­ti­ple polls show that many Democ­rats believe he is too old and fee­ble to serve. Even today, he had to be guid­ed around the South Lawn dur­ing a wel­come cer­e­mo­ny for Japan’s prime min­is­ter.
McCarthy made his com­ments while mak­ing an impas­sioned case for Trump’s elec­tion to a skep­ti­cal crowd of George­town Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents.
McCarthy, who had worked …