Aman­pour Com­pares Pro-Lif­ers To Iran And The Tal­iban

PBS/CNN’s Chris­tiane Aman­pour joined CBS’s Stephen Col­bert for her sec­ond late night com­e­dy show appear­ance of the week on the Wednes­day install­ment of The Late Show. The duo freaked out over the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a sec­ond Don­ald Trump term and that the rest of the demo­c­ra­t­ic world is sim­i­lar­ly freaked out and over the same issues, such as Amer­i­can pro-lif­ers alleged­ly being com­pa­ra­ble to Iran and the Tal­iban.
Aman­pour informed Col­bert that the rest of the world is “watch­ing your elec­tion very, very close­ly because that is real­ly pre­oc­cu­py­ing them. Hav­ing had a col­lec­tive ner­vous break­down the last time. They are try­ing to proof  …