Jake Paul jokes Biden would fall ‘from the wind’ in box­ing match with Trump

Jake Paul jokes Biden would fall ‘from the wind’ in boxing match with Trump

Box­er and social media star Jake Paul joked Wednes­day that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump would not even have to throw a punch in a hypo­thet­i­cal fight between him and Pres­i­dent Joe Biden because the lat­ter would just “fall over from the wind.”
Paul made the joke while con­duct­ing an inter­view to dis­cuss his fight with heavy­weight cham­pi­on Mike Tyson, which is sched­uled for July. The box­er dis­cussed anoth­er fight many are antic­i­pat­ing, the 2024 elec­tion, and he was asked who between Trump and Biden would be the vic­tor in a box­ing match.
“I mean, Trump wouldn’t even have to punch, and Biden would just fall over from the wind,” Paul joked on Fox News’s Jesse Wat­ters Prime­time. “And Trump, if you’re watch­ing this, this is an invite. I know you used to pro­mote Tyson, so I’d love t …