‘He’s Gaslight­ing Lit­er­al­ly Every­one’: 2020 Biden Vot­er Has Had It With The Pres­i­dent

‘He’s Gaslighting Literally Everyone’: 2020 Biden Voter Has Had It With The President

After vot­ing for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in 2020, one Michi­gan vot­er told MSNBC that he’s had it with Biden’s fail­ure to address the real eco­nom­ic issues that impact the Amer­i­can peo­ple on a dai­ly basis.
Iden­ti­fied only as “Omar,” the man was part of a focus group of “unde­cid­eds” brought in to dis­cuss the 2024 elec­tion and issues that might sway him in one direc­tion or anoth­er — and he appeared to agree with the oth­ers in the group when it came to their feel­ings on Biden and the econ­o­my.
At one poin …