In-N-Out pres­i­dent takes cred­it for keep­ing costs low in ‘oblig­a­tion’ to cus­tomer

In-N-Out president takes credit for keeping costs low in ‘obligation’ to customer

In-N-Out Pres­i­dent Lyn­si Sny­der expressed her “oblig­a­tion” to keep costs down amid ris­ing min­i­mum wages.
The Chris­t­ian restau­rant chain is known for its con­sis­tent prices of its cheese­burg­ers, fries, and shakes despite ris­ing min­i­mum wages across its loca­tions on the West Coast. Ear­li­er this month, Cal­i­for­nia man­dat­ed a $20 per hour min­i­mum for fast-food work­ers, but Sny­der claimed she would not let it affect prices.
“I was sit­ting in VP meet­ings going toe-to-toe say­ing, ‘We can’t raise the prices that much, we can’t,’ because I felt such an oblig­a­tion to look out for our cus­tomer,” Sny­der told the Today show on Wednes­day. “When every­one else was tak­ing these jumps, we weren’t.”
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As a result, In-N-Out won’t be intro­duc­ing fran­chis­ing or mobile order­ing any­time soon, accord­ing to Sny­der. There won’t be any expan­si …