Swing State Supreme Court Jus­tice Won’t Seek Reelec­tion, Opens Door For Con­ser­v­a­tive Major­i­ty

Swing State Supreme Court Justice Won’t Seek Reelection, Opens Door For Conservative Majority

Wis­con­sin Supreme Court Jus­tice Ann Walsh Bradley’s announce­ment on Thurs­day that she will not seek anoth­er term gives con­ser­v­a­tives an oppor­tu­ni­ty to over­turn the court’s 4–3 lib­er­al major­i­ty, the Asso­ci­at­ed Press report­ed.
Bradley has sat on the state’s Supreme Court since 1995 and is cur­rent­ly serv­ing her third 10-year term. She was reelect­ed with almost 60% of the vote in 2015, but has decid­ed to not seek a fourth term  in order to “pass the torch.”
“My deci­sion has not come light­ly. It is made after care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion and reflec­tion. I know I can do the job and do it well. I know I can win re-elec­tion, should I run. But, it’s just time t …