Biden’s blind spot: President’s record on bal­loon­ing cost of liv­ing makes vot­ers sour

Biden’s blind spot: President’s record on ballooning cost of living makes voters sour

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden appears to have a blind spot on the bal­loon­ing cost of liv­ing that many vot­ers are feel­ing in their dai­ly lives, accord­ing to a new poll released Sat­ur­day.
The poll found the major­i­ty of vot­ers believe Biden has harmed the coun­try in terms of the econ­o­my, rather than helped. Vot­ers com­plained that Biden has focused on oth­er issues, rather than solve the eco­nom­ic issues relat­ed to infla­tion and the increas­ing costs of liv­ing.
“Now that [Biden’s] in the office, the cost of liv­ing has spiked out of con­trol, and there’s noth­ing being done about it,” Tre­li­cia Mornes, a Demo­c­rat, told the Asso­ci­at­ed Press. “He just choos­es to do oth­er things.”
Mornes added that Biden has the capa­bil­i­ty to help Amer­i­cans who are strug­gling with high prices, such as the ris­ing prices of rent and food. 
Anoth­er vot­er said she felt the econ­o­my thrived under for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, and that a lot of the issues Amer­i­cans are see­ing in terms of hig …