FACT CHECK: New­som says film sub­si­dies bring jobs to Cal­i­for­nia

FACT CHECK: Newsom says film subsidies bring jobs to California

(The Cen­ter Square) – Does Cal­i­for­nia need to pay Hol­ly­wood to make films in … Hol­ly­wood?
In a press release this week, Gov. Gavin New­som point­ed to the eco­nom­ic growth pro­duced by sub­si­dies for film and TV pro­duc­tion in the state as a key part of his “Cal­i­for­nia Jobs First ini­tia­tive.”
“From bring­ing Fall­out home to keep­ing clas­sics in Cal­i­for­nia, this pro­gram has helped our icon­ic, world-lead­ing enter­tain­ment sec­tor cre­ate tens of thou­sands of good jobs for Cal­i­for­ni­ans and gen­er­ate bil­lions of dol­lars for com­mu­ni­ties across the state over the past 15 years,” Gov. New­som said.
But econ­o­mists call claims about film sub­si­dies vast­ly inflat­ed. “Peer-reviewed stud­ies are unan­i­mous that the incen­tives do not spur eco­nom­ic growth, nor do they cr …