New NPR CEO Haunt­ed by Woke, Anti-Trump Tweets As Edi­tor Expos­es Bias

Posted in Trump
New NPR CEO Haunted by Woke, Anti-Trump Tweets As Editor Exposes Bias

New NPR CEO Kather­ine Maher tried to ral­ly the troops on Fri­day with a memo to staff that vague­ly attacked NPR senior edi­tor Uri Berlin­er’s expose of the tax­pay­er-fund­ed net­work’s view­point diver­si­ty. She nev­er actu­al­ly men­tioned Berlin­er, or seemed to engage with his over­all argu­ment.
Instead, she vague­ly expressed insult at Berlin­er not­ing the exis­tence of a pile of iden­ti­ty groups among the employ­ees: “Ques­tion­ing whether our peo­ple are serv­ing our mis­sion with integri­ty, based on lit­tle more than the recog­ni­tion of their iden­ti­ty, is pro­found­ly dis­re­spect­ful, hurt­ful, and demean­ing.”
Maher just unfurled rah-rah “we have the best peo­ple” ver­biage: “This is the work of our peo­ple, and our peo­ple rep­re­sent Amer­i­ca, our irre­ducibly com­plex nation. Giv­en the very real chal­lenges of cov­er­ing the myr­i­ad per­spec­tives, moti­va­tions, and inter­ests of a nation of more than 330 mil­lion very dif­fer­ent peo­ple, we suc­ceed through our diver­si­ty. This is …