Anna Pauli­na Luna whips last-ditch effort to tank FISA reau­tho­riza­tion bill

Posted in Trump
Anna Paulina Luna whips last-ditch effort to tank FISA reauthorization bill

A coali­tion of House Repub­li­cans won’t let the reau­tho­riza­tion of the For­eign Intel­li­gence Sur­veil­lance Act pass with­out a fight, with Rep. Anna Pauli­na Luna (R‑FL) call­ing on fel­low law­mak­ers to vote against tabling a motion to recon­sid­er the bill’s pas­sage.
Short­ly after FISA passed on the House floor, 273 to 147, on Fri­day, Rep. Lau­rel Lee (R‑FL) called for a motion to recon­sid­er the vote, push­ing House Intel­li­gence Chair­man Mike Turn­er (R‑OH) to call for a motion to table Lee’s motion. Luna demand­ed a record­ed vote on the motion to table, which is set to take place Mon­day night.
In a “Dear Col­league” let­ter, Luna blasts FISA as a “wide­ly mis­used and abu­sive” sys­tem and argues Con­gress “had the o …