CNN Final­ly Puts ‘King Charles’ Prime­time Show Out of Its Mis­ery

CNN Finally Puts ‘King Charles’ Primetime Show Out of Its Misery

After six months, CNN final­ly took their poor­ly-rat­ed prime­time show King Charles out back and put it out of its mis­ery. Air­ing just one night a week on Wednes­days, King Charles was one of the last ves­tiges of the Chris Licht era of CNN lead­er­ship, which pur­port­ed­ly tried to achieve a more fair and bal­anced approach to report­ing the news before an inter­nal revolt of the network’s rad­i­cal lib­er­als quashed it.
Since you’ve like­ly nev­er heard of the show since its rat­ings were so poor, no, the show was not host­ed by the king of Eng­land, but rather CBS Morn­ings co-host Gayle King and NBA on TNT per­son­al­i­ty Charles Barkley.
CNN thought they were being clever by splic­ing their names togeth­er.
Since the Novem­ber pre­miere, the …