Kari Lake tries to thread the nee­dle on abor­tion after Ari­zona Supreme Court rul­ing

Kari Lake tries to thread the needle on abortion after Arizona Supreme Court ruling

Sen­ate Repub­li­can can­di­date Kari Lake is clar­i­fy­ing her stance on abor­tion while also push­ing Repub­li­can law­mak­ers in Ari­zona to repeal a 19th-cen­tu­ry restric­tion on abor­tion that was upheld by the state Supreme Court this week, shak­ing up the cam­paign in the crit­i­cal bat­tle­ground state. 
After the court rul­ing on Tues­day that upheld an 1864 Civ­il War-era law that will soon put into place a near-total abor­tion ban in the state that only makes excep­tions to save the life of a preg­nant woman, Lake and oth­er Repub­li­can can­di­dates on the bal­lot are attempt­ing to nav­i­gate the com­plex polit­i­cal ter­rain, as Democ­rats relent­less­ly ham­mer them on the issue of abor­tion.
In the after­math of the deci­sion, Lake began call­ing state law­mak­ers in the Repub­li­can-con­trolled House and Sen­ate, urg­ing them to repeal the law, accord­ing to sev­er­al peo­ple famil­iar, sig­nal­ing grow­ing fears the rul­ing could have major impli­ca­tions for her cam­paign come elec­tion day. Republ …