Sam Brown oppo­nent paint­ed as MAGA pho­ny in high-stakes Neva­da Sen­ate race

Sam Brown opponent painted as MAGA phony in high-stakes Nevada Senate race

Jeff Gunter has leaned on his MAGA cre­den­tials as he mounts a long-shot bid for Nevada’s Demo­c­rat-held Sen­ate seat, high­light­ing his time spent as ambas­sador to Ice­land under for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
But it’s anoth­er part of Gunter’s back­ground that is com­ing under scruti­ny from a coali­tion of Trump allies and nation­al Repub­li­cans who want to see front-run­ner Sam Brown pre­vail in the June pri­ma­ry: a vot­ing and dona­tion his­to­ry they say con­tra­dicts his attempts to car­ry the MAGA man­tle in the race.
Gunter, who runs a der­ma­tol­ogy prac­tice in the Los Ange­les area, has for years been reg­is­tered as a Demo­c­rat in Cal­i­for­nia, accord­ing to vot­ing records reviewed by the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er.
Those records have dogged Gunter even before he launched his can­di­da­cy in August, pro­vid­ing his crit­ics an open­ing to paint him as an out-of-state elite and fake con­ser­va …