Abor­tion, Trump, And 2024: Michael Knowles Dis­cuss­es How Con­ser­v­a­tives Can Win With­out Sac­ri­fic­ing Prin­ci­ples

Abortion, Trump, And 2024: Michael Knowles Discusses How Conservatives Can Win Without Sacrificing Principles

Dai­ly Wire host Michael Knowles spoke at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Urbana-Cham­paign for a Young America’s Foun­da­tion event Tues­day night, where he addressed the ongo­ing debate sur­round­ing abor­tion.
Fol­low­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s long-await­ed state­ment on abor­tion pol­i­cy and the deci­sion by the Ari­zona Supreme Court to allow a law to take effect that pro­tects unborn babies from abor­tion in near­ly all cas­es, Repub­li­cans have fought over how to address the hot-but­ton issue in the midst of a major elec­tion cycle.
Knowles, who said he is “as pro-life as they come,” added that there is a “fair con­cern” among some Repub­li­cans that tak­ing a strong pro-life stance dur­ing the 2024 elec­tion cam­paign will hand vic­to­ries in the House, Sen­ate, and pres­i­den­cy to Democ­rats. This con­cern appears to be shared by Trump, who said he wants laws on abor­tion to be decid­ed by the states …