NPR Sus­pends Edi­tor Who Accused Net­work Of Bias, Issues ‘Final Warn­ing’

NPR Suspends Editor Who Accused Network Of Bias, Issues ‘Final Warning’

Nation­al Pub­lic Radio (NPR) has sus­pend­ed Senior Busi­ness Edi­tor Uri Berlin­er after he pub­licly accused the net­work of espous­ing left-wing bias with an essay that began a media firestorm.
Last week, Berlin­er received a let­ter that informed him of a five-day sus­pen­sion with­out pay begin­ning Fri­day, accord­ing to a report by NPR’s media cor­re­spon­dent David Folken­flik.
NPR told Berlin­er he failed to fol­low the network’s rules and get approval for out­side work for oth­er news out­lets after his essay for The Free Press and fol­low-up inter­views.
Berlin­er was also accused of pub­licly releas­ing pro­pri­etary infor­ma­tion about audi­ence demo­graph­ics that NPR con­sid­ered con­fi­den­tial, per the report.
The let­ter, which was called a “final warn­ing,” said Berlin­er would be fired for anoth­er pol­i­cy vio­la­tion.

Berlin­er, a dues-pay­ing mem­be …