Mike Gal­lagher could post­pone ear­ly retire­ment for for­eign aid vote

Rep. Mike Gal­lagher (R‑WI) may give House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) a much-need­ed boost in sup­port for his for­eign aid pack­age, as the Wis­con­sin con­gress­man is weigh­ing delay­ing his retire­ment so he can stay for a vote on the plan this week­end.
A spokesper­son for Gal­lagher, whose ear­ly retire­ment from Con­gress is set for Fri­day, con­firmed to the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er that the con­gress­man has “flex­i­bil­i­ty to stay and sup­port the aid pack­age on Sat­ur­day.”
John­son announced to mem­bers that bill text for his four-pronged for­eign aid pack­age would drop some­time on Wednes­day, set­ting up votes for Sat­ur­day evening. With Gallagher’s intend­ed depar­ture, John­son would have seen his major­i­ty nar­row to 217–213, mean­ing he could only lose one GOP vote with­out any help from Democ­rats on any giv­en mea­sure to pass leg­is­la­tion. …