Israel fires retal­ia­to­ry mis­siles at Iran

Israel has fired mis­siles at at least one site in Iran, accord­ing to mul­ti­ple reports, less than a week after Iran attacked the Jew­ish state.
A U.S. offi­cial con­firmed to ABC News that Israeli mis­siles were sent toward Iran’s air­space, but they did not say what the site was nor whether any­one was injured or killed in the retal­ia­to­ry strike. Sev­er­al oth­er out­lets con­firmed that mis­siles were sent to Iran.
Israeli offi­cials report­ed­ly noti­fied the Unit­ed States ear­li­er on Thurs­day that Israel planned to attack Iran with­in the next 24–48 hours, per Bloomberg.

Upon reports of the Israeli coun­ter­at­tack, Sen. Mar­co Rubio (R‑FL) post­ed on X that “Israel has the abil­i­ty to con­duct strikes against tar­gets inside Iran with­out enter­ing Iran­ian air space from air­craft over Syr­i­an and Iraqi air­space.”
The Flori­da Repub­li­can also respond­ed to an uncon­firmed report from local Iran­ian sources say­ing an explo­sion was heard north­west of Isfa­han. “Isfa­han is home to Khata­mi Air Base and is locat­ed north­east …