The Net­work News­casts Cheer As The Kennedys Come To Biden’s Res­cue

Each of the net­work evening news­casts delight­ed in report­ing that the Camelot Cav­al­ry, if you will, had come to the aid of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in Philadel­phia. The Kennedy fam­i­ly joined Biden on stage to denounce their broth­er who is also run­ning for pres­i­dent.
The ratio­nale is that doing so, fes­toon­ing Biden’s podi­um with Kennedys, will some­how deter Robert F. Kennedy’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. Here’s how NBC’s Gabe Gutier­rez report­ed it:

GABE GUTIERREZ: Respond­ing to his fam­i­ly’s endorse­ment of his oppo­nent today, RFK, Jr. post­ed on social …