White House does dam­age con­trol after Biden sug­gests uncle was eat­en by can­ni­bals

White House does damage control after Biden suggests uncle was eaten by cannibals

White House press sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre danced around ques­tions on Thurs­day about Pres­i­dent Joe Biden appar­ent­ly “embell­ish­ing” the sto­ry of his uncle’s death and going so far as sug­gest­ing that he was eat­en by can­ni­bals after being shot down in World War II.
Biden is on the final day of a three-day cam­paign tour of Penn­syl­va­nia. On Wednes­day, in Pitts­burgh, the pres­i­dent aimed to cri­tique his 2024 Repub­li­can rival, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, by recount­ing the death of his uncle, Ambrose Finnegan, a U.S. Air Force pilot who was killed while serv­ing in World War II.
“He flew sin­gle-engine planes, recon­nais­sance flights over New Guinea. He had vol­un­teered because some­one couldn’t make it. He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of can­ni­bals in New Guinea at the time,” Biden said before knock­ing Trump for refer­ring to World War II vet­er­ans as “suck­ers and losers.”
“They nev­er recov­ered his body, but the gov­ern­ment went back when I went down there, and they checke …