Fet­ter­man slams media for leav­ing out Hamas hostages in cov­er­age

Sen. John Fet­ter­man (D‑PA) con­tin­ued to call for Hamas to release its hostages, six months after oper­a­tives kid­napped them from south­ern Israel.
Since the Oct. 7 attack, Fet­ter­man has dis­played the pho­tos of all the hostages Hamas took on his Sen­ate office walls. The ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion is hold­ing over 100 hostages, accord­ing to Israel Defense Forces, though exact num­bers are unclear with Hamas’s recent announce­ment they did not have 40 hostages who fit the cri­te­ria for a deal with Israel. At least 30 hostages have died in cap­tiv­i­ty.
“With a somber Passover approach­ing, I remain com­mit­ted to speak­ing about this trav­es­ty and acknowl­edge there can’t be true last­ing peace until the hostages are home,” Fet­ter­man wrote in the cap­tion of a video on X.
“And I’ll nev­er un …