RNC and Trump cam­paign to hire 100K ‘elec­tion integri­ty’ oper­a­tives to watch polls on Elec­tion Day

RNC and Trump campaign to hire 100K ‘election integrity’ operatives to watch polls on Election Day

The Trump cam­paign and the Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee announced plans to launch an “elec­tion integri­ty” pro­gram, intend­ing to recruit 100,000 vol­un­teers and attor­neys who will work to pre­serve “the sanc­ti­ty” of November’s elec­tion in a press release on Fri­day.
In addi­tion to recruit­ing poll watch­ers and lawyers, the press release even men­tions hir­ing poll work­ers. 
“Hav­ing the right peo­ple to count the bal­lots is just as impor­tant as turn­ing out vot­ers on Elec­tion Day,” Trump said in the release.
The RNC intends to estab­lish in every bat­tle­ground state an “Elec­tion Integri­ty Hot­line” with­in each State Repub­li­can War Room. These lawyers will be respon­si­ble for field­ing “all incom­ing ques­tions and issues” report­ed by poll watch­ers and vot­ers. They will also guide poll watch­ers through “the appro­pri­ate elec­tion code and pro­vide clar­i­ty on how issues should be answered, resolved, or esca­lat­ed.” Train­ing for vol­un­teers and lawyers for vot­ing site and tab­u­la­tion cen­ter mon­i­tor­ing will occur every month. The GOP said it planned to wor …