WILD: ABC’s Moran Blames ‘Grav­i­ta­tion­al Pull of the Trump Melo­dra­ma’ for Self-Immo­la­tion

Fri­day after­noon fea­tured one of the more dis­turb­ing inci­dents one will ever see on live TV as, amid rolling cov­er­age on cable news and stream­ing plat­forms of the Trump tri­al brought by far-left Man­hat­tan D.A. Alvin Bragg, a man lit him­self on fire in the so-called protest space out­side the New York City cour­t­house.
On ABC News Live, long­time net­work cor­re­spon­dent Ter­ry Moran invoked Jan­u­ary 6 and repeat­ed­ly implied with­out evi­dence Trump and “the grav­i­ta­tion­al pull of the…melodrama …