Kemp signs mea­sure to reform Georgia’s cer­tifi­cate of need law

Kemp signs measure to reform Georgia’s certificate of need law

(The Cen­ter Square) — Geor­gia Gov. Bri­an Kemp signed sev­er­al health care-relat­ed bills dur­ing a Fri­day cer­e­mo­ny in Athens, includ­ing a mea­sure to relax state require­ments reg­u­lat­ing health care facil­i­ties.
The cen­ter­piece of the bills the Repub­li­can gov­er­nor signed was House Bill 1339, which reforms Georgia’s decades-old cer­tifi­cate of needs require­ment. The mea­sure, in part, short­ens the time for hos­pi­tal appli­ca­tion reviews and expands the rur­al hos­pi­tal tax cred­it pro­gram.
“Today is a momen­tous day for Geor­gians across our state who will soon have greater access to health care and per­son­al­ized treat­ment,” Amer­i­cans …