MIT stu­dents set up encamp­ment to protest Israel and university’s ‘ties’ with IDF

MIT students set up encampment to protest Israel and university’s ‘ties’ with IDF

Stu­dents at the Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy have set up an encamp­ment on cam­pus to protest Israel’s mil­i­tary cam­paign in Gaza and the university’s rela­tion­ship with the Israel Defense Forces.
The group putting up tents on the school’s Kres­ge Lawn is call­ing the effort the Sci­en­tists Against Geno­cide Encamp­ment, accord­ing to Francesca Ric­cio-Ack­er­man, a research assis­tant and PhD stu­dent. “MIT has received OVER $11 MILLION in research fund­ing from the Min­istry of Defense of Israel since 2015,” she wrote on X on Sun­day evening. “We will NOT REST until MIT cuts research ties with the Israeli mil­i­tary.”

Break­ing: The stu­dents and work­ers of #MIT estab­lish the Sci …