Reporter’s Note­book: Trump tries to keep cam­paign­ing dur­ing tri­al

Reporter’s Notebook: Trump tries to keep campaigning during trial

Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er Nation­al Polit­i­cal Cor­re­spon­dent Mabin­ty Quarshie joins Mag­a­zine Exec­u­tive Edi­tor Jim Antle to dis­cuss what the Trump cam­paign is doing to keep momen­tum while he is tied up in court, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s lat­est donors, and how Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has been try­ing to make sure inde­pen­dent can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn’t steal votes from the Democ­rats.