News­Busters Pod­cast: Hillary Clin­ton Says Trump Wants to ‘Kill His Oppo­si­tion’

<div>NewsBusters Podcast: Hillary Clinton Says Trump Wants to 'Kill His Opposition'</div>

As pro-Biden media out­lets argue that Don­ald Trump’s crit­i­cism of his legal adver­saries is endan­ger­ing lives, Hillary Clin­ton claimed on a pod­cast that Trump would like to “kill his oppo­si­tion,” and the media find that’s not dan­ger­ous­ly sug­ges­tive. Democ­rats (like con­gres­sion­al can­di­date Nate McMur­ray in New York) tweet­ing “Die MAGA Die” should­n’t be ques­tioned.
On a pod­cast with her old lawyer Marc Elias, Hillary said “Trump was like, you know, just gaga over Putin because Putin does what Trump would like to do: Kill his oppo­si­tion, imprison his oppo­si­tion, dri­ve jour­nal­ists and oth­ers into exile, rule with­out any check or bal­ance.” 
Where are the so-called “inde­pen­dent fact-check­ers”? Because if we used the typ­i­cal Daniel Dale/Politifact stan­dard, you’d expect them to say there’s no evi­dence Don­ald Trump ever said “I’d love to kill my oppo­si­tion like Putin does, but nobody will let me.” 
Maybe the media would get upset if a Repub­li­can tweet­ed “Die Hamas Die.” That would­n’t be “mostl …