NYT Ignores Soros Influ­ence in Cov­er­age of Biden State Dep’t Sanc­tions on IDF

NYT Ignores Soros Influence in Coverage of Biden State Dep’t Sanctions on IDF

Yet anoth­er Soros-fund­ed group just got caught try­ing to dri­ve a wedge into the Amer­i­can-Israeli alliance, but The New York Times didn’t find any space to men­tion it in a news report. 
In an April 20 arti­cle, The New York Times cov­ered poten­tial U.S. State Depart­ment sanc­tions on the Israel Defense Forces’s Net­zah Yehu­da Bat­tal­ion. In a post on X the next day, research insti­tute NGO Mon­i­tor addressed cru­cial infor­ma­tion ignored by The Times, blam­ing these pos­si­ble sanc­tions on a “coor­di­nat­ed cam­paign” by the Soros-fund­ed pro­gram Democ­ra­cy for the Arab World Now found­ed by mur­dered Wash­ing­ton Post jour­nal­ist and for­mer Mus­lim Broth­er­hood mem­ber Jamal Khashog­gi.
DAWN Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Sarah Leah Whit­son boast­ed that the pro­gram had worked hard to bring these sanc­tions about in a post on X. She also went after Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken for not act­ing soon­er, say­ing that her orga­ni­za­tion “Sub­mit­ted Leahy sanc­tions requests for 2 of the Israeli units that ⁦@SecBlinken has putzed and punt­ed on.” Key employ­ees of this orga­ni­za­tion have cel­e­brat­ed the decis …